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Hypocrisy in Haiti

The criterion for charitable giving in recent years has become based on emotion rather than responsibility. An glaring example of this trend is the millions of dollars blindly poured into US and UN charities in response to the Haitian earthquake disaster. Never mind that most of these organizations are racked with corruption. Those who support their continued existence are implicitly liable for compounding the misery that still exists in Haiti nearly a year later.

The recent fraudulent elections – held just a month ago – have perpetuated another cycle of abuse. But where is the current outrage about the results among those who purport to care about the misfortune of the Haitian people? It’s easy to for Americans to donate to a faceless organization and feel good about helping, yet ignorant generosity has unintended consequences.

The government of Haiti and the organizations that prop it up are racked with dishonest leaders; the monetary contributions that flow from misguided donors only serve to feed their corruption. Haitians must strive to purge the body politic – but this can only be achieved by severing the financial support systems currently in place.

Mary O’Grady’s recent article in the WSJ highlights the graft running rampant in the import business being conducted at Port-au-Prince. Yet the US and UN have turned a blind eye to the devastating effects the extortionists have on the business and economic growth. Is it any wonder then, that the response to reports of election fraud by the Clintons, Valenzula, or the UN have been equally and exceedingly lackluster?

Examining the state of the Haiti recovery effort, one can only conclude that by and large, the US and UN aid organizations are in collusion with the current depraved governing body in Haiti. Billions of dollars in contributions have only lined the pockets of the leadership while keeping the Haitian people in involuntary squalor.

I have proudly not contributed to Haiti because I believe in the idea of responsible giving. Sadly, the consequences of Haitian donations have been severe. Starving the Haitian government of monetary aid is the only opportunity to cripple their fraudulent behavior, weaken their power, and give dignity and hope back to the Haitian people. People who truly wish to aid and not exploit those whom they seek to help would do well to know the history and politics of the organizations and their leaders before they contribute.

Wake Up, New York

A recent Op-Ed in the New York Post by John Faso, discusses the shrinking population in New York State and its implications for the future.

Faso surmises that New Yorkers are fleeing the state — most famously Rush Limbaugh —  because of high taxes and dismal job prospects. Our state is nearly bankrupt and has been increasingly burdensome and hostile to businesses in recent years. The population decline means a loss of two more seats in the House of Representatives. More importantly, this means that New York is no longer as powerful as it has been in terms of policy.

Faso reminds us about the challenges we as New Yorkers face and what we can do to surmount them.