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Krauthammer on Gruber: Obamacare Was Sold on a Pack of Lies

With all the revelations surrounding Jonathan Gruber and the behind-the-scenes Obamacare manoeuvring, Charles Krauthammer weighs in with a solid, sobering analysis. Krauthammer explains, “It’s refreshing that “the most transparent administration in history,” as this administration fancies itself, should finally display candor about its signature act of social change. Inadvertently, of course. But now we know what lay behind Obama’s smooth reassurances — the arrogance of an academic liberalism, so perfectly embodied in the Gruber Confession, that rules in the name of a citizenry it mocks, disdains and deliberately, contemptuously deceives.

The whole piece should be read in its entirety. And you know that Gruber’s remarks have hit a nerve with the White House, as they and the Democrats continue to try to run from their ties to him. Gruber exposed their thought process and tactics.