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More Lois Lerner Deceit: An Alias Email Address

The Washington Times has the story on this new information being admitted to by the IRS — Lois Lerner used another separate personal email account with an alias, “Toby Miles”, to conduct professional business. This now makes three email accounts used by Lerner, the other two being her work email and another personal email that was previously known.

After all this time, to only now come clean about a third email account is egregious. The IRS lawyer, Geoffrey Klimas, tried to deflect the situation by arguing “that the IRS had previously hinted there may be other personal email accounts, pointing back to a footnote in a letter attached to a June 27, 2014, brief that mentioned “documents located on her personal home computer and email on her personal email account.”

However, that wording was also altered on Monday — evidencing backtracking and cover-up — referring now to her ‘personal home computer and email on her personal email’ account(s).” So the IRS deliberately retained the information the Lerner had a second personal email account, by which she used an alias. The alias, by the way, is her dog’s name.

The Times also reports that “Curiously, the Ways and Means Committee criminal referral mentioned the Toby Miles email address, identified as The address came to light because it was included on an email that also hadMs. Lerner’s official account on the chain of recipients….at the time of the referral in April 2014, the committee linked the Toby Miles address to Ms. Lerner’s husband, Michael R. Miles, but said, “The source of the name ‘Toby‘ is not known.”

At no time did Lerner, or anyone else at the IRS, admit that the “Toby Miles” email account belonged instead to Lois Lerner. Nor has that email address been searched.

Lerner, of course is not the first, or second, or third administration member to use extra or secret email accounts, with or without aliases. Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and her top aides, the White House’s top science adviser, top Environmental Protection Agency officials and now the IRS, have all done this. All part of the “most transparent administration ever.”