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With all the pressing issues of the day, it is outrageous that the moderator of Meet the Press, Mr. David Gregory, spent so much time last week badgering House Speaker John Boehner about President Obama’s religious beliefs and citizenship status. Even though Boehner continuously stated he believed the President was a Christian and a citizen, Mr. Gregory was clearly disturbed with the fact that Boehner had not used his position as Speaker of the House to issue or enforce some sort of official statement. When Boehner replied that it was not his job to tell Americans what to think or believe, Gregory question his leadership capabilities.

Contrast Mr. Gregory’s attitude toward Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid during an interview a few weeks ago and the bias is quite apparent. Harry Reid actually proclaimed on Meet the Press that we are not in a crisis in Social Security, that the Social Security system is “arithmetically sound” and that the problem of Social Security was merely fiction — perpetuated by people who do not like government! Yet, on an issue of such monumental factual error, Mr. Gregory left the Senate Majority Leader’s gross distortion of facts completely unchallenged.

The bias and misinformation continuing to be disseminated by weekend political talk shows is deeply infuriating.