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The most irksome thing about the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement is the phony crony capitalist fever going on. The truth of the matter is that, if OWS individuals were honestly seeking to engage and change, and really understood how capitalism works, they’d be for capitalism and against Obama.
The very act of bailouts is anti-free market. It is the opposite of capitalism.

Those companies who received bailouts abused their free market capitalist competitors by cozying up to the government and getting politically motivated handouts. These bailouts were substantially shared by the very unions that were substantially responsible for the companies going bankrupt in the first place. The only thing to enable the cronyism was Obama, who decided to not allow capitalism to work by letting the losers lose — which would have been more beneficial for everyone, except those cronyists.

Those Occupiers who are against capitalism and the bailouts simultaneously clearly don’t understand the difference; it shows naivete on the part of the OWS movement. Their fiscal ignorance undermines their cause and promote a crony socialist agenda.