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Tax Politics

The Politics of Taxes

Unveiling Darkness: Rampant Antisemitism Within NYU

“Israel bears full responsibility for this tremendous loss of life…I will not condemn Palestinian resistance.” These are the words of former NYU Law Student Bar Association President Ryna Workman, issued via the association's email list to as many as 2,000 students. The loss of life Workman so callously attributes to Israel was caused by Hamas terrorists who killed approximately 1,300 people and...
Jeff Sessions Expands Asset Forfeiture
Jeff Sessions Expands Asset Forfeiture

Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced yesterday that civil asset forfeiture would continue to be a viable practice among law enforcement. In fact, Sessions went so far as to roll-back asset forfeiture restrictions that were put in place during the Obama...

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AEI and the NIIT
AEI and the NIIT

I have to admit that I was a bit surprised to read an article by AEI (“This health care tax could spark a GOP civil war,” July 13, 2017) which treated the Net Investment Income Tax (NIIT) as a pesky tax that was wreaking havoc on health care reform, because...

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Another Asset Forfeiture Fiasco: Dressmaker Edition
Another Asset Forfeiture Fiasco: Dressmaker Edition

I have continuously written about the deplorable practice of asset forfeiture via the IRS. Many of the cases involve circumstances where the business is accused of “structuring” cash deposits to stay under $10,000 — which the IRS considers to be “suspicious,” not...

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Federal Agencies and Citizen Crimes
Federal Agencies and Citizen Crimes

Something that Congress needs to seriously consider is eliminating the authorization of federal agencies to designate violations of their rules as actual crimes. Unbeknownst to the vast majority of Americans, federal agencies - consisting of no elected representatives...

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Let’s Talk About Social Security
Let’s Talk About Social Security

Entitlement reform is necessary for the fiscal health of this country, but it is something that no one wants to talk about, much less tackle. How can we begin? How can we open up the conversation and the possibility to reform and improve our social security system?...

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Happy Independence Day
Happy Independence Day

When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God...

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