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The Social Security Administration had record spending in fiscal year 2015, totaling $944,143,000,000. This total includes Social Security payments, disability payments, Supplemental Security Income payments, and the costs to administer these programs.

From CNSNews:

“As of September, there were 59,737,817 beneficiaries getting Social Security or disability benefits, according to the SSA. At the same time, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were 148,800,000 people who had either a full- or part-time job in the United States. That means there were only 2.49 people with jobs for each of the 59,737,817 Social Security and disability beneficiaries.

At the same time, there were only 121,839,000 people with full-time jobs in the United States in September, according to BLS. Those 121,839,000 full-time job holders equaled about 2.04 for each of the 59,737,817 people getting Social Security or disability benefits.

The $944,143,000,000 spent by the Social Security Administration in fiscal 2015 equaled about $6,345 for each of the 148,800,000 persons in the country with a job as of September. It equaled about $7,749 for each of the 121,839,000 people with a full-time job.

The $944,143,000,000 that the Social Security Administration spent in fiscal 2015 was also $381,637,000,000 (or about 68 percent) more than the $562,506,000,000 that the Treasury says the government spent on the Department of Defense and military programs during the year.”

The spending items include:
— $733,716,000,000 in benefits payments from the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund
— $3,505,000,000 in payments to cover administrative expenses for that fund
— $4,258,000,000 in payments to the Railroad Retirement Account
— $143,009,000,000 in disability benefit payments
— $2,881,000,000 in payments for administrative expenses for the disability trust fund
— $419,000,000 in additional payments to the Railroad Retirement Account.
— $58,901,000,000 for the Supplemental Security Income Program.

This was an increase of $33 Billion from fiscal year 2014. A quick analysis of the beneficiaries for the month of October included: “39,968,311 retired workers, 2,330,148 spouses of retired workers, 641,654 children of retired workers, 6,077,209 survivors of deceased workers, 8,922,858 disabled workers, 143,164 spouses of disabled workers, and 1,749,236 children of disabled workers.”