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How To Solve Detroit’s Pension System Problem In One Easy Step

The NY Post had a good piece today by William McGurn on the state of the union (pension system) in Detroit, making the case for Detroit to switch to defined contribution plans for their union workers. McGurn is right on the mark that the such a move is critical for the city’s revitalization. Dispensing with this one particularly enormous financial burden which has added greatly to the city’s fiscal insolvency would change the city’s finances for the better going forward. However, he seems skeptical that such a radical change could ever be achieved.

There is a way to implement a change to a defined contribution system. Even though the city of Detroit is billions of dollars in debt, the emergency manager, Kevyn Orr, has the opportunity to make to make it happen.

Orr is currently at odds with the unions over the total amount that union’s two pension system are underfunded. Using the actuarial projections provided by the unions, the funds are only short by $650 million, while Orr’s calculations show that the underfunding is a good $3.5 billion. Who is right? Orr believes he is correct and some independent studies seem to back his assertions. In actuality, it doesn’t necessarily matter who is correct, because the conflict actually provides a solution for the city.

If the unions wish to argue that their pension liability is merely $650 million, the city should wholeheartedly agree to fully fund their request — with one important condition. The unions must either a) agree to a fixed annual contribution to the defined benefit plans going forward, or b) (the better solution) cease using a defined benefit plan and move to a defined contribution plan going forward for all of their employees. In either case they must take full ownership, responsibility, and management, from here on out.

Once the unions pensions are fully paid up with the $650 million from the city, they will be in a position to take over the management of their funds. Let the unions use their expertise and earn the 8% that they maintain should be readily achievable. If they can do it, their members will continue to thrive-as-usual, ultimately collecting the pensions that have been promised to them for work up to this point. If they can only earn 3-4 or 6%, it will be on them to explain to their own members why their numbers are suddenly now off.

Even though $650 million sounds like a large number to pay off and fully fund the union pensions, it is a small amount to pay for the fiduciary freedom that comes with not having to manage an incredibly complex, risky, and fiscally unsound system. Such a move will contribute greatly to the long term health of the city of Detroit.

Detroit’s $320 Million Federal Aid Package

Right before the government shutdown, Detroit received a pledge for a $320 million federal “aid package”. The Obama Administration wants to make it perfectly clear: this is not a bailout. That word is too toxic during this time of fiscal instability in Washington. This is relief. A stimulus. It is a hand-up, not a hand-out, and, as the NY Times reports, this will not be the only federal infusion that Detroit receives to get back on its feet.

Some questions immediately come to mind:

1) Various news agencies reported that the funds are being scraped together mainly from agencies such as TARP, FEMA, Homeland Security, and HUD. Who authorized this aid package?

2) Much of the funds are for projects that are similar to projects already funded by alternative sources, such as the Ford, Kresge, and Knight Foundations. The funds will not be used in anyway with regard to debt structuring. Why are federal funds duplicating projects already in motion?

3) Detroit already receives 71 federal grants for operation and it still couldn’t manage to avoid bankruptcy. Clearly, Detroit has been malfunctioning for years even with government intervention, so Why are we propping up this city even more?

4) What is to prevent other cities who are struggling financially for reasons to call for aid? After the aid to Detroit was announced, at least one Congressman, Jerry McNerney, went on the offensive. He wrote to the White House asking why aid was not extended to Stockton, California, a city which declared bankruptcy last year, “and suffers from many of the same problems as Detroit”. Will this type of federal aid package for cities become a slippery slope? Will it be a pick-and-chose/reward scenario? How about a carrot dangled to cities?

A recent WSJ article on the aid noted that with federal money comes strings. “Grants from the Transportation and Housing and Urban Development Departments will require the city to pay prevailing union wages, which will jack up costs. Prevailing wage is an economic compensation theory that requires municipalities to pay more-than-market wages. The end result of paying prevailing wages means that Detroit will get less with their our money. Even now, prevailing wage theory is hotly contested in NYC, a form of unionism for those workers who are non-unionized. Isn’t this type of overpayment what helped get Detroit into the mess it is in in the first place?

Furthermore, this cash fund may impact pension reforms that city manager Kevyn Orr is trying to accomplish. The pension managers insist that pensions are only underfunded by $634 million, while Orr is arguing closer to $3 billion. Part of pension restructuring and cost savings proposed by Orr were expected to be re-diverted toward blight abatement. With the arrival of this federal aid package — much of which is supposedly for the blight problem — you can expect that pensioners will argue that their pensions do not need, or need less of, the chopping block. That is a pity, as it undermines real pension reform so badly needed in Detroit.

What Kevyn Orr really needs to do to forge a path of prosperity in Detroit is to completely fund the pension system according to what the pension managers say they need ($634 million vs $3 billion), in exchange for complete government removal from the pension system; Impose a switch from a defined benefit model to a defined contribution model and be done with it. Let the pension heads grapple and manage their own funds now. Such a bold fiscal move would give Detriot a much more solid path to economic revitalization than any aid package can do.

There was no emergency that necessitated the use of federal funds being injected into the city of Detroit. No Katrina. No Sandy — only decades of fiscal irresponsibility, corruption, mismanagement. This “non-bailout” only undermines the task of this city, and potentially others, to make hard decisions about money, taxes, pensions, and budgets. It is a band-aid where a tourniquet (or maybe an amputation?) is needed. In a city rife with every kind of unimaginable fiduciary irresponsibility, the idea that the city of Detroit should be entitled to receive any more federal tax dollars is wholeheartedly repugnant.