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Rick Ungar’s Obamacare Fib

Rick Ungar, the “Token Lefty”, usually comes very well prepared for his appearances on Forbes on Fox. But it is disappointing to watch when he regurgitates the same absolutely misleading statistics, despite the fact that he’s been corrected so many times before.

Mr. Ungar argues that the changes which President Obama continues to make to Obamacare are not a significantly harmful to the economy, since “the Obamacare mandate excludes 96% of businesses”.

One might ask: if Obamacare only affected 4% of businesses, how could it be such a major program? The answer is simple. Those 4% of businesses include the vast majority of employees in this country. Most businesses have zero to very few employees, with the total number of employees for all businesses that have 100 or fewer employees making up a relatively small number of the total employees in this country.

This statistic-fib is reminiscent of the exact same tactic that the Democrats were using when pushing to raise the income tax margins of the highest earners making above $250,000. Democrats continuously argued that “only 3% of all small businesses made above $250,000”, a seemingly low percentage.

What they purposely failed to disclose, however, is that that figure accounted for more than 50% of all small business income — most of which would be taxed at individual rates due to the structure of the company. So when the Democrats raised taxes on those upper income brackets, through the process of letting the tax cuts expire, they willfully and quietly were raising taxes on small businesses. Now, high earning non-corporate entities pay more in taxes (39.6%) than even their corporate counterparts (35%).

We have the same chicanery going on here. Nothing could be more intentionally misleading, for those who don’t know better, than Mr. Ungar’s statement that only 4% of businesses are affected by Obamacare. “It’s the number of employees, stupid”.