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The Republicans are proposing substantial tax cuts in the discretionary spending portion of the budget. Meanwhile, the Democrats demagogue the spending cuts as dangerously cutting programs for the sick, elderly, and the poor.

From FY2008 – FY2010, federal spending on projects increased roughly 25%. Such a dramatic enlargement of the budget deficit is bordering on criminal. There was no actual money to do so, and now the Republicans are being vilified for trying to go back to the point at which the Democrats, ignoring all financial reality, substantially overspent taxpayer money.

How can we be blaming those people who are, for the first time, showing us all of the worldly irresponsible actions and promises that have been created over the last two years? The reality is that during that time, the Democrats have made outrageous promises to the sick, elderly, and poor that they had no hope of being able to carry out.

The point is clear. The blame needs to squarely rest upon the tax-and-spend liberals, not the people who are trying to actualize fiscal responsibility by cutting back to previous and more reasonable spending levels. The politicians who enacted reckless legislation with money that was not theirs should be held accountable to the fullest extent.