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Tax Politics

The Politics of Taxes

BBC’s Distorted Coverage: A Shameful Betrayal of Journalism and Truth

The BBC is one of the largest media organizations in the world, reaching hundreds of millions of readers per week. However, their articles covering the Israel-Hamas war have contained blatant violations of honest reporting as well as their own editorial guidelines. These are not isolated incidents; abuses have occurred over 1,500 times in their coverage of the Israel-Hamas war. Research...
Nearly 1400 Counties to Have One or Zero Insurers in 2018
Nearly 1400 Counties to Have One or Zero Insurers in 2018

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have published data which projects that 1,332 counties (over 40%)  will have only one health insurer on Obamacare in 2018 and 49 will have none.  According to CNSNews, "the data comes from the Health Insurance Exchanges...

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Social Security Expenses to Exceed Income in Five More Years

Last week, the Social Security Board of Trustees released their annual report on the long-term financial status of the Social Security Trust Funds.  The news does not continue to bode will for the long-term survival of Social Security -- but on the other hand, this is...

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More Outrage About Sessions and Civil Asset Forfeiture
More Outrage About Sessions and Civil Asset Forfeiture

Daniel Mitchell from CATO put together a round-up over of articles over the last few days from various sources chiming in their opinion of Session's expansion of asset forfeiture. It was published on International Liberty. The list is below;  you should also read the...

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Jeff Sessions Expands Asset Forfeiture
Jeff Sessions Expands Asset Forfeiture

Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced yesterday that civil asset forfeiture would continue to be a viable practice among law enforcement. In fact, Sessions went so far as to roll-back asset forfeiture restrictions that were put in place during the Obama...

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AEI and the NIIT
AEI and the NIIT

I have to admit that I was a bit surprised to read an article by AEI (“This health care tax could spark a GOP civil war,” July 13, 2017) which treated the Net Investment Income Tax (NIIT) as a pesky tax that was wreaking havoc on health care reform, because...

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