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Businesses are constantly make decisions about where its people need to be do their jobs. They follow the incentives to be the best company, to manufacture their product in the strongest and least intrusive way. Oftentimes that means, at some point, part of their operation moves abroad.

Opening up new foreign markets doesn’t lose jobs. Relocating work overseas typically is a reaction to proximity to supply chains, developing interests in new consumer markets, and keeping costs low for customers here — much more than the mantra that “shipping jobs overseas” is about labor costs and profitability for the business owner.

A business owner has to do what is best for his company. His competitor is doing the same thing — what he needs to do to survive. If the business policies in the United States are making it difficult to succeed and compete, that’s not the fault of the business owner. Those who wish to level this attack at business owners would do well to first take a critical eye to the policies that affect businesses here.

Businesses “ship jobs overseas” only if it needs to be done. Rarely does it have to do with the fact that labor is cheaper abroad. Blame can be placed squarely in the government imposed obligations and regulations and the pervasive anti-business climate. Businesses do not go into business to comply with government dictates — but to make things, provide a product, a service. If some of the processes to stay in business are found better abroad, the owner will follow suit in order to survive and thrive.